rust check

Rust proofing and undercoating

Protect Your Investment with Rust Check by
Southwest Coating Service


Although a new vehicle starts off looking beautiful, factors such as moisture, high humidity, winter road salt and other airborne pollutants can start deteriorating it the day it rolls off the assembly line. As vehicles continue to age, the need
to maintain them takes on even greater importance.  

Ask about the Rust Check lifetime warranty.  

Call 269-471-2767 for an estimate.

Unlike conventional oil, tar and wax-based products, Rust Check creeps into all hidden rust prone areas including doors, fenders, pillars, cross-members, engine compartments and  hard to reach areas where rust loves to hide.  

Rust Check is not only for new vehicles. Even older vehicles and those treated with other forms of materials can benefit from Rust Check.  While this treatment will not fix existing damages caused by rust, it will inhibit progression of rust in problem areas.

Rust Check even helps to prevent corrosion in wiring connections and electronic components.

This process is time tested and proven for over 40 years.